Tomatoes reduce the risk of ischemic stroke
2:49 PM
Egyptian Engineer
, Posted in
Healthy Food
Do you know the benefits of eating tomatoes ??.Ok then read this article
A Finnish study found that like to eat tomatoes may be less prone to injury ischemic stroke. The researchers concluded published their findings in the journal Neurology that among more than a thousand men followed their over 12 years was to have relatively higher levels in the blood of lycopene antioxidant less susceptible to stroke.
Lycopene chemical gives red color to foods including tomatoes, red peppers, carrots and watermelons. For the majority of people are tomatoes and products the main source of lycopene in their diet.Johnny Carby said , who led the study, a researcher University of Eastern Vnland in Kuopio that lycopene article "effective anti-oxidant" which means it helps protect body cells from damage eventually lead to the disease.
And laboratory research also suggests that lycopene also help in the fight against infections, blood clots, and it may play this role better than other materials antioxidant.The study included 1031 men aged 46 and 55 years have monitored the levels of lycopene and beta carotene and beta carotene millennial B, vitamin E and A in the blood.
During the 12 years, 11 strokes occurred between one-quarter the group of men that have the highest proportion of lycopene in the blood compared to what came to 25 cases of deep vein thrombosis between one-quarter the group that was to have the lowest levels of this article.
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